Teaching Philosophy

“For as much as I love to teach, I also love to learn; and it is that desire for knowledge that above all else, I would hope to inspire.”

In this page, I will try to put into words my developing personal philosophy of teaching. I emphasize the word “developing” because I believe that it will be developing through my teaching experience but overall and basically my philosophy of teaching is influenced mostly by IB PYP programme.

As a PYP teacher (see my resume for more info about my background , my beliefs and values in relation to planning, teaching and assessing are very much into IB. I believe in the power of planning a challenging, purposeful and engaging learning for the students. I also believe that teaching is basically about learning together, I am a teacher, it does not mean I am the only resource that the students have. Resources can be found everywhere, even each student bring their own experiences and knowledge that can be shared to tehir friends. Providing and facilitating the students’ inquiry to meet their learning goals can be done through many different ways. As a teacher, it is my job to empower the students to reach their goals. Therefore, facilitating them with such rigorous assessment enables the students to use different range of ways to assess their understanding and thoughts.

Here are some statements of philosophy which are becoming my beliefs and values in teaching and education.

I embrace teaching as an opportunity

to inspire and empower

   I believe it is crucial for teachers to cultivate learning partnerships with students.    In my view, teaching is not about instructing or imparting information to students  as if their minds were waiting to be filled with my knowledge. Rather, teaching is  about empowering students to take responsibility for their learning, inspiring  courage to grow intellectually, cultivating curiosity, providing opportunities for developing relationships, clarifying values, uplifting the spirit and igniting action.

I believe in the power of planning a challenging, purposeful and engaging learning for the students

I am passionate about finding the most effective ways of stimulating and sustaining  intellectual growth among those who enter my classroom. By providing engaging,  relevant, challenging and significant activities to support students’ inquiry, I believe that students are able to be involved actively in their own learning. Students can see the real purpose of their learning; making connection to their prior knowledge and experience. Students also are able to come to understand more about their own process of learning and are given opportunities to process experiences in a range of ways.

I believe that each student bring their own streghths and uniqueness to the classroom

Learning is a complex process that is individual,content and context specific. As a teacher, I am attentive to these factors and work to be flexible, adapting my approaches according to the needs of learners, subject matter and setting. I believe it is essential to create a learning environment which can accommodate the needs of individuals, guide and facilitate the students to take responsibilities in their learning, and support them to achieve their potentials.

Rigorous assessments  is essential in all teaching and learning

Assessing aims to discover what the students know and have learned at different stages in the learning process. I believe that effective assessments cover the five essential elements of learning; the acquisition of knowledge, understanding of the concepts, the mastering of the skills, the development of attitudes and the decision to take action. Effective assessments allow students to share their understanding with others using a variety of ways based on their learning styles, abilities and multiple intelligences. Also, effective assessments enable students to base their learning on real-life experiences that can lead to further inquiries.

I believe in life-long learning; one of my goals is that my students will come to understand that.

I want my students to understand that the concept of being a life long learner is the ones who continuously build their skills and knowledge throughout their lifetime. I want my students understand that life-long learning is about acquiring and updating all kinds of abilities, interests, knowledge and skills. Being aware of the use of technology is one of examples that I concern the most in my teaching and learning. To be a life-long learner, we need to be aware of the new technology which can help us to acquire knowledge as well as sharing them.


For as much as I love to teach, I also love to learn; and it is that desire for knowledge that above all else, I would hope to inspire.

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